Sunday, December 23, 2007

Two double O seven

2007 has been a roller-coaster year for me. There have been numerous highs and lows, and looking back I just laugh. I was dancing my feet off on New Year’s Eve, and had absolutely no clue of what lay ahead of me. I never imagined, gaining and losing so much in one single year; a year which has taught me a great deal and hence worthy of being unforgettable. It started off with an SMS, wishing someone a happy new year followed by a few more to some other friends. The first sunrise of 2007 and I pray for a good year. A slew of events are set to occur. Some low, some high but eventful nonetheless.

Listed down are my low and high points of the year in chronological order. I am listing the low ones first, because I want to end this blog on a happy note. :-)

1. The first week of the year hasn’t even ended and I meet with an accident. I am lucky to be alive. Read my blog A CLOSE SHAVE to know more about that.

2. God has some other plans for me on my birthday. I am lying on my bed recuperating from an extremely severe bout of chickenpox.

3. Our office changes its location. Another 2 hours added to my commuting. Shit, I have 4 hours of daily travel. Things could not get any worse.

4. I lose in love. God!!! Almost unbearable.

1. I take a flight from Mumbai to Thiruvananthapuram. My first ever plane journey, coincidentally also my parents’ first.

2. I buy a Nokia N91. It cost me a bomb, but I haven’t found a single person who hasn’t admired it. Needless to say, I am happy with it.

3. I buy my first laptop.

4. I buy my first branded jeans. Then I go on to buy 2 more. Previously I was always wearing local brands or formals.

5. My splurging goes a notch higher. I buy my first ADIDAS shoes. Looks great, feels awesome. Again, appreciations galore from people.

6. I start off a software presentation to a prospective customer. A couple of weeks later we make a sale, at four million US dollars.

7. I learn to drive a four wheeler.

8. Come December, I make the spending of my life, yet. I buy a Sedan. A Hyundai Accent.

Overall, a satisfactory year! ;-)

Sunday, December 02, 2007


It was 6 in the morning. I gave out a wide yawn and stretched myself. Nature called vehemently and I had to give in. I relieved myself and then walked to the wash basin. I switched on the light and stared into the mirror. With the toothbrush gently massaging my teeth, thoughts started racing in my mind. Very shortly I was gonna be like my thoughts. RACING! Well, it was Dec 02 2007 and the Pune International Marathon was to be flagged off at 8.30 AM IST. I was participating in the 4.5 km charity run.

My bro-in-law had agreed to drop me at the race venue. As we set off on his motorbike at 7.30 AM, I could notice glints in the eyes of my mom, sister and niece. I am sure they were thinking about my plight in the near future. They waved us goodbye but my nephew was stoic. But then, 1 year old babies won’t really understand the perils of a software engineer aiming to finish a 4500 meter "running race". The term Marathon would be an overstatement.

We reached the venue at 8.10 AM. There was a sea of red. Thousands of enthusiasts had gathered wearing the red colored T-shirts sponsored by Vodafone. I tried to look for a friend who was also participating. But that search would be comparable to looking for a pin in a haystack. What are cell-phones for, you might ask. Well, my friend supposedly wanted to run light, so left the cell phone at home.

Nonetheless, I squeezed myself into the starting point. I looked up and turned my head to the left. A podium was set up for celebrities. Sunil Gavaskar waved the flag and we were off. Salman Khan, Suresh Kalmadi and a few other well known faces were cheering the runners.

The first km was a piece of cake. The weather was nice and cool. Trust me; people in Pune are extremely zestful. School children, collegians, middle aged men and women, senior citizens et al had come in large numbers. It felt wonderful to see so many people running for a cause. A Race Against AIDS.

So as I was saying, the first km went off smoothly. Then reality dawned. The software engineer’s legs started to complain. Gosh, we guys need to exercise, if we haven’t already started. Now then, the sprint turned to a jog, which gradually turned to a walk, and then to a standstill. Hey! I wasn’t gonna stop. It was just one of my shoe-laces. I had to tie it back and in the process, got a much needed minute to get my breath back. Then, as I looked up, a pretty girl whizzed past me. That kind of stirred me up. I could hear myself say, "Look at that chick go! Now don’t you chicken out". Alrighty then, I was up and running and in fact ran so fast that I overtook her. I slowed and turned back to find her, but it was in vain. She was nowhere to be seen. May be she too was a software engineer.

Anyway, I still had a race to finish so I kept running. About 3 km had passed, when I heard a male voice asking me directions. He turned out to be a software engineer too. We talked as we ran along and that indeed was helpful. I was thrilled to see the entry gate to the Nehru Stadium which was our finish. All it took was 30 minutes and I gave a high 5 to this new friend of mine. We both were aware of our achievement, and needless to say, were overjoyed.

I then bid him farewell, and went to sit on the pavilion. I watched a procession stream in and very soon there were thousands scattered across this cricket ground. I sat there taking some photographs with my cell-phone’s camera. I messaged my friends and got some congrats back. After spending an hour there, I trudged back outside the stadium, caught an autorickshaw, reached Pune railway station, took a train, got down at Dehu Road and walked back home.