Sunday, July 06, 2008

Paris tour - Disneyland

Located on the outskirts of Paris, Disneyland sure was the most thrilling experience I ever had in my life. We reached there in a Volkswagen Golf, so it added to the fun. It sure is a great car. After reaching Disneyland, 59 Euros was the price of a ticket and we spent an entire day there. Amongst the many rides we went on, I’d never forget the Aerosmith Rock n Roller Coaster. It took off at may be 200 kmph and went through all sorts of loops and dives. We all had become kids there and you can’t blame us, given the atmosphere we were in. Can’t really write much on this. Here are some pictures.

A castle built to host shows etc.

Replica of a ship of the Pirates of the Carribean - Movie from Walt Disney Corp.

The Hollywood hill. Looks like the real one. eh? ;-)