Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A story of hope!

“That looks very serious!” exclaimed Dr. Anand Parekar handing over the report to Dr. Mohini Joshi. “Yes, he has about two months to live, unless a transplant is successful.” replied a dejected Dr. Joshi. She continued, “How do I break this to him?”, and tears rolled down her eyes. She closed the file and kept it on the table. It read – Patient name: Aditya Nagpal, Age:26. Aditya was detected with HEPATIC cancer just six months ago. Chemotherapy, radiation and the most advanced of cancer medicines could do nothing as the cancer spread rapidly and more than 90% of his liver was damaged. For someone who never drank a drop of alcohol in his life, this was unfortunate. 

"Just tell Aditya to meet me, when he comes for his next checkup", said Dr. Parekar, getting up to leave the room. 

"That will be today evening but, why sir? What's the matter?” enquired Dr Joshi. 

"Don't worry Mohini, I think I can handle this better and I will break this to him. You just direct him to my cabin when he comes. Ok?”

"Ok sir!”

"Hello doctor! I am Aditya Nagpal. Dr. Joshi told me to see you!” spoke Aditya as he walked into Dr. Parekar's cabin. 

"Oh, hi Aditya, please sit down! Yes, I wanted to meet you. Would you like some tea or coffee?”

"No Sir, I just had tea before leaving from home", replied Aditya. After that, it was all one way talk as Dr. Parekar explained the situation, while Aditya heard it without uttering a single word. Without doubt, this was the most shocking time of his life; life which was to end in a couple of months, unless a miracle happened. "Transplant is our only hope!” concluded Dr. Parekar.

Aditya felt tired as he reached home. The kind of tiredness he had never felt before. He didn't speak to his mother who opened the door. He went straight to his room and banged the door shut. He stared at his bed for a few seconds and then collapsed on it. He woke up startled by the cell phone ringing. It was his mother. "I have been knocking your door for so long... what happened to you?," cried his mother on the phone. "Ah Mom, sorry... wait let me open the door.” he replied. He opened the door and saw his worried looking mother. 

"Mom, just give me a couple of hours to sleep. I am feeling very tired. There is nothing to worry. I just want to sleep for some time." 

"Ok son, see you at dinner time!” she said and walked off. Aditya locked the door, went back to bed and lied down.

It was from nowhere that a motorcycle appeared right in front of his car. Driving at a speed of 75 kmph, Aditya had to swerve quickly to avoid running over the biker. The tyres screeched as he tried to push the brakes, but instead of stopping, the car turned turtle, slid down the slope and hit a tree at the roadside. Just as he was about to slip into unconsciousness, he saw a man, about the same age as his, extend a hand. "Thank you!” murmured Aditya before fainting. Aditya heard a knock on the door and woke up with a start. The accident was a dream. 

"Come out son! Time for dinner.” called his mother. Dinner was a quiet affair, as Aditya continued to think about the dream. Was the car a metaphor for his life that had recently crashed? Was the biker the unwanted cancer that came out of nowhere? He had questions. But wait, why was the tree at the end of the slope? It stopped the slide which could have been worse. Who was that man, who pulled Aditya out of the car? Is there hope? His mind continuously wandered from one question to the other and he barely felt the taste of the food he was having.

"Good night mom!” he said and retired to his bed room. He could not sleep. He didn't want to think about his life, but the more he tried, the more he ended up thinking. He got up, went to the living room and switched on the TV. He browsed through the channels and stopped at a movie channel. THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION was on. He had watched it before, but didn't mind watching it again, given the brilliance of the film. During one of the scenes the lead character says - HOPE IS A GOOD THING. MAY BE THE BEST OF THINGS AND NO GOOD THING EVER DIES. That moment Aditya felt as if time had stopped. The movie continued to play on, but Aditya had no idea of what was going on. He just had that one line about hope going through his mind. He immediately picked up his phone and called Dr. Mohini Joshi. "Can I meet you tomorrow at the hospital say 11 AM?” asked Aditya and hung up after a few seconds.

Next morning sharp at 11 AM Aditya was waiting outside Dr. Joshi's room. A few minutes later she called out Aditya. "Dr. Parekar said transplant is our only hope. So let's do it. Liver transplant. Money is not a problem.” said Aditya all in one breath, even before taking his seat. "I know Aditya, please sit down first, I know money is not the problem, just that finding the right match to your liver is. Our hospital organ bank has nothing that matches your type. We need to look elsewhere and fast.", replied a concerned but calm Dr. Joshi. 

She continued, "I need to talk to your parents as well, Aditya. It is time they know about this. I also know that you won't be able to break it to them. But, they need to know Aditya. I will come over to your place today evening. We also need to check their liver compatibility. All is not lost! We do have hope." That last word brought a smile to Aditya's face.

That evening at Aditya's place, Dr. Joshi came straight to the point. As she finished speaking Aditya's mother's eyes welled up in tears. In moments, she was inconsolable, as Aditya's father hugged her tight. Dr. Joshi looked at Aditya, who in turn looked heavenwards. Dr. Joshi returned her gaze to Aditya's parents and said softly. "Can you both come to the hospital tomorrow? We need to perform some tests on you both. If compatible then a portion of your liver can be used for the transplant." Aditya's parents looked up. His mother had stopped crying. Both said in unison, "Yes we are ready!” This time it was Aditya's turn to shed a tear... A silent one though! 

The next morning as Aditya's parents were getting ready to go the hospital, there was a knock at the main door. Aditya's father went to answer it. Their driver greeted him. Aditya's father said to the driver, "Yes, we are almost ready, wait in the car, we will be there in 5 mins." "Ok Sir! But I came to say something else.",said the driver. Mr. Nagpal stared at the driver for a moment and said to him, "We'll talk in the car. Now go!" ”Alright sir!” said the driver and he walked back. 

Once in the car Aditya's father asked the driver, “So tell me, what were you saying?" "Sir, I am quitting, from tomorrow I won't be able to drive for you", replied the driver. "Oh no! Why? You know Aditya is undergoing treatment. We need you.” moaned Mr. Nagpal. 

"I know sir, and I am very sorry but I can't help it. I have to go out of town, and I'll be gone for long. But do not worry. My nephew will come as replacement. He is a good driver and has been driving for more than 5 years. I have told him everything and he is willing to work for the same salary. If you are ok, then I can tell him to come from tomorrow itself." 

"What is his name?” asked Mr. Nagpal.

"Sir, his name is Ravi.” replied the driver.

The next morning Ravi reached Nagpal residence. Aditya's mother answered the door-bell.

"Mam, I am Ravi Singh. Uncle sent me, as your new driver!"

"Oh OK... please sit here. I will send Aditya.” said Mrs. Nagpal and went back in the house.

Aditya came out and Ravi immediately got up from his seat and said, "Hello Sir, I am Ravi".

"Hi Ravi! Can I see your driving licence please?” Aditya said without a smile. However he did stare at Ravi for a few moments. The latter's face seemed familiar. 

After a brief discussion they both shook hands. "Thank you sir! I won't give you a reason to complain!” a smiling Ravi said.

"Alright Ravi, you can come from tomorrow. Be here sharp at 10 AM. I need to go somewhere. See you.” said Aditya with a serious look.

"Sure Sir, see you".

Ravi was a 28 year old, short man with a lean frame. But it was his smile that stayed in Aditya's mind and he still thought about his familiar looking face. Perhaps he got those looks from his uncle, thought Aditya and went back to his room. He stared at the calendar and counted something. Then he looked at the mirror. He wore a weary look and his eyes seemed dead. He thought to himself - Am I going to just live out the rest of the days, waiting for myself to die? He then sat down and wrote down into his diary. He was making a list. A BUCKET LIST.

Next morning Ravi waited near Nagpals' car. "Take me to this address!", ordered Aditya as he saw Ravi. Ravi looked at the address and nodded. After a 15 minute drive the car stopped near a bungalow. "You wait here in the car; I'll be right back.” said Aditya and got down. Aditya held a pen and paper as he walked towards the bungalow gates. He stopped and screamed at the top of his voice, "REEMA!!! REEMA!!! Please come out... REEMA... are you there?” A security guard came running from inside the gates and yelled, "Hey you! Stop shouting. If you want to meet madam, you have to wait. We can let you in only after checking with her. Tell me your name."

"Tell her it's Aditya Nagpal. Her class mate from College".

Aditya waited as the guard made a phone call. Aditya looked on as the guard kept an unwavering gaze on the former while talking on the phone. "Ok, mam, I will tell   him!", said the guard and hung up. "Hey listen, please leave, madam says she doesn't know any Aditya", said the guard sternly. "Oh is that so?” asked Aditya and began to walk straight towards the bungalow. "Hey, hey wait, you can't go in there!” said the guard pulling at Aditya's arm. "Oh, if you want to stop me, you got to kill me", laughed Aditya. The guard started hurling abuses at Aditya and violently jerked him back, but nothing seemed to stop Aditya. The guard was soon joined by another servant who began pushing Aditya. It was loud and got louder when Ravi ran in to defend Aditya. 

Hearing the commotion, a beautiful lady walked out of the bungalow. On seeing her, the men stopped. The guard spoke, "Mam, this man won't leave... we tried to...". "There you are REEMA", interrupted Aditya, "you don't know me huh?” Reema was as puzzled as the rest of the guys. She indeed didn't have any recollection of Aditya, so all she did was shake her head. Aditya spoke loudly, "Yeah right, miss beautiful. I was Mr. Invisible in college. Wasn't I? You were just too popular to know me. But I came here to tell you that I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU and still do. I LOVE YOU A LOT. Never had the courage to tell you back then. But now is different. I LOVE YOU REEMA. I came here only to say that. That's all. Bye". Everyone was quite stunned but Aditya had already started walking back towards his car. Ravi looked at everyone else, shrugged his shoulders and followed Aditya, who took out a piece of paper and made a tick with his pen.

Both Aditya and Ravi had a hearty laugh once inside the car. "That was very brave of you sir.” said Ravi. "Thanks man! We have more places to go. Look at this. We go there next.", said Aditya showing him another address. They drove off. There again Aditya did something weird and both laughed till their tummies hurt. On another occasion Ravi got a bit worried, but was quickly relieved when he saw Aditya swimming up to safety. Aditya had just jumped off a bridge into a river. Aditya was pumping adrenaline and just wanted to go on and on doing outrageous things. He was feeling boundless joy. It was almost 9 PM when Aditya and Ravi returned home. "It was a wonderful day. Thanks Ravi for all the driving.” smiled Aditya. "No problem sir! May I ask you something?” quizzed Ravi. Aditya nodded. Ravi continued,"Sir, can we go to a place of my choice tomorrow, if you don't mind!". "Where is it?” asked Aditya raising his eyebrows.

"It is an orphanage sir. Not far from here. I go there frequently. I love a couple of kids there like my own. They are very cute. Would you like to go there, sir?" 

"Alright, let’s start at 10 AM. See you tomorrow", said Aditya and walked towards the house.

The orphanage had around 45 kids aged between 3 and 12. There was a delightful din in the premises as Aditya followed Ravi into a small office like room. Ravi entered his and Aditya's names and numbers into a large register. After that Ravi led Aditya into another hall where he was immediately smothered by 3 kids who looked like 5 year olds. "These are my three favourite kids, sir.” said Ravi as he hugged each of them. Ravi gave them a bag full of sweets and snacks and asked Aditya if he was ok to take a walk around the orphanage. Aditya okayed.

"Whenever I feel depressed I come here sir. I buy something for the kids, whatever in my capacity, and when I see the joy on their faces, I forget all my troubles. These 3 kids I showed you were just learning to walk when I first met them here. I don't know why, but I feel connected to them and if possible I might adopt all three. But you know sir, the costs are just beyond me!” said Ravi kicking a twig lying on the ground. Aditya and Ravi spent the whole day in the orphanage. They sang, danced and ate with the kids. Aditya was overwhelmed by the fact that it was so simple to be happy. Difficulty was only in being simple.

That night Aditya slept soundly. Many more nights passed. The only sad part was that no donor was found yet. Aditya's parents' livers were not compatible and now he had just 3 more weeks. One morning Ravi didn't turn up to work. Aditya, who had by now become quite friendly with Ravi, missed him. By afternoon Aditya gave Ravi a phone call. "Sir, I am sorry I can't come to work today. I am at the hospital.” answered Ravi. 

One of kids from the orphanage was admitted with a head injury. The kid had fallen while playing and was comatose. An emergency operation was required, but it would cost 15000. Ravi had no means to help and was disconsolate. "Fill the form Ravi; I am coming to the hospital. Don't worry about the money. I will pay them. Just get started with the formalities.” assured Aditya.

The operation was a success and the kid lived. Ravi was overjoyed and didn't know how to thank Aditya. "Sir, I am too small a man to be of any help... but if you need me for anything at all, please ask. I owe my life to you sir. Thank you so much for saving this kid!” said a teary eyed Ravi. Aditya simply smiled. For him there were just a little over 2 weeks left. Suddenly his phone rang. It was Dr.  Joshi. She said, “Aditya, can you meet me at the hospital at 2 PM today?"

That afternoon, when Aditya came back after meeting Dr. Joshi, Ravi asked, “Sir, is everything ok? You look very upset!” The tough man inside Aditya broke all of sudden and he cried for a long time. Ravi was dumbfounded. "Tell me sir, what happened. Please sir!” requested Ravi. Aditya told Ravi everything. That night Aditya didn't eat. He went to bed but couldn't sleep. Then he took a sleeping pill. Moments later he was dreaming. It was the same car accident dream. This time though he could see the face of the man clearly. The man who offered his hand to help. That man looked exactly like Ravi. Aditya woke up and found that it was still only 3 AM. Till morning Aditya tossed and turned but the sleeping pill had lost its effect.

It was 11 AM when Aditya's phone rang. "Good news Aditya! Get ready for the transplant. We got the donor", screamed Dr. Joshi. "Your driver, Ravi met me last evening at the hospital. We tested his liver type and it is compatible. He is ready to donate. God is great Aditya. God is great!” Aditya couldn't believe what he heard. All he could do was cry. It was involuntary, but tears flowed aplenty.

The day of the operation arrived. Ravi had been operated on the previous day. A part of his liver had been removed. Aditya's parents held Ravi's hand and cried for long. He simply smiled lying on his hospital bed. He had nothing to worry. Just a week and he would be discharged. An hour later Aditya's parents were waiting outside the operation theater where Aditya had been for the last 7 hours. Suddenly the light bulb atop the theater door turned green. Out came Dr. Mohini Joshi. 

"Transplant is successful! Your son will live, and god willing he will live a long life", beamed Dr. Joshi and she hugged Aditya's mother who almost collapsed into the doctor's arms. Shedding tears of joy Aditya's mother screamed, "Thank you doctor, thank you very much. God bless you... Thank God... Thank God... thank you, thank you all!"