Sunday, December 23, 2007

Two double O seven

2007 has been a roller-coaster year for me. There have been numerous highs and lows, and looking back I just laugh. I was dancing my feet off on New Year’s Eve, and had absolutely no clue of what lay ahead of me. I never imagined, gaining and losing so much in one single year; a year which has taught me a great deal and hence worthy of being unforgettable. It started off with an SMS, wishing someone a happy new year followed by a few more to some other friends. The first sunrise of 2007 and I pray for a good year. A slew of events are set to occur. Some low, some high but eventful nonetheless.

Listed down are my low and high points of the year in chronological order. I am listing the low ones first, because I want to end this blog on a happy note. :-)

1. The first week of the year hasn’t even ended and I meet with an accident. I am lucky to be alive. Read my blog A CLOSE SHAVE to know more about that.

2. God has some other plans for me on my birthday. I am lying on my bed recuperating from an extremely severe bout of chickenpox.

3. Our office changes its location. Another 2 hours added to my commuting. Shit, I have 4 hours of daily travel. Things could not get any worse.

4. I lose in love. God!!! Almost unbearable.

1. I take a flight from Mumbai to Thiruvananthapuram. My first ever plane journey, coincidentally also my parents’ first.

2. I buy a Nokia N91. It cost me a bomb, but I haven’t found a single person who hasn’t admired it. Needless to say, I am happy with it.

3. I buy my first laptop.

4. I buy my first branded jeans. Then I go on to buy 2 more. Previously I was always wearing local brands or formals.

5. My splurging goes a notch higher. I buy my first ADIDAS shoes. Looks great, feels awesome. Again, appreciations galore from people.

6. I start off a software presentation to a prospective customer. A couple of weeks later we make a sale, at four million US dollars.

7. I learn to drive a four wheeler.

8. Come December, I make the spending of my life, yet. I buy a Sedan. A Hyundai Accent.

Overall, a satisfactory year! ;-)


~G said...

four lows and highs- DOUBLE of that... certainly a lovely year for u dost!

paclot said...

:-) Thanks dost!

Anonymous said...

one question dear prashant ,is the money matters u the most ???
Instead of buying so many branded things (u should but......)if u could donate some amount of money to the orphans or any one who needs it badly for completing his/her studies than u might have a good and satisfactory end of this year two ooo seven
m i right?????????????????

paclot said...

Dear anonymous,
Do YOU practice what you are ostentatiously preaching in your COMMENT? Then I'll decide whether you are right or wrong. :-)