Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We keep talking about improving ourselves. Human tendency is to want more and this makes him/her go to any extent to get it. But the question always remains. HOW? How can you say that you have improved yourself? Do you compare yourself with your peers and see where you are lagging and then try to overcome the shortcomings? Or do you idolize certain people and try to be like them? Or further do you ask your closest, about what you need to do to get there? We all tend to do one of these things. But how many times do we ask our own self?

Sometime ago I read somewhere that the best competition you can enter in your life is, where you compete against yourself. I guess it’s a sure shot way of improving oneself. At this moment, say we decide to better ourselves. I think we can assess ourselves by asking questions to ourselves. Be a little practical too and set achievable goals. Then work towards it and by the time you reach the time you set as a deadline you will yourself realize how much you have bettered.

I guess the best thing would be when – your parents say “WE ARE PROUD OF OUR CHILD” or your siblings say “WE ARE PROUD OF OUR SIBLING” or your spouse says “I AM PROUD OF MY SPOUSE” or your friends say “WE ARE PROUD OF OUR FRIEND”. You would have achieved a great deal even if one of these says so. But your life will be fulfilled if ALL say so.

But never forget to say - I am PROUD of myself. :-)


The Dreamer said...

really nice thought, a self-motivational one!

Sajith said...

is this Robin Sharma in making.. :)? Nice