Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Absent minded.

As I get down to writing this one, thoughts linger in my mind....thoughts about my previous posts... 3 of them which I had painstakingly written....they have vanished...Vanished??? Cyberspace has its own tricks, but it sure isnt magical... How would something vanish just like that? Well... I deleted them. Why??? My god...I really regret doing that, but it was an accident. As it happened...I had 3 posts which were published and 1 which was drafted. This drafted one was rather scornful. I had vented my ire on someone...I had spewed venom against that person...but somehow restrained myself from publishing it. Then one fine day...I sat down to edit this draft... I thought to myself....I wont be rude enough, to let this go public. Let me just delete this. So, I press delete and BANG!!! all my posts are deleted. I didnt realize what had happened. And ever since nothing unusual has happened in life, which could prompt me to write again. But I have been bitten by this Writing bug since long....and could not resist the temptation...so when I have nothing to write...I write about this. Well...this sure is an experience....Foolish though!

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