Monday, March 13, 2006


The day was getting more and more hectic, it was almost 8 PM and I was still in office staring at my PC…wondering what could be wrong. That’s when my colleague sends the most innocent of emails but still manages to leave me in splits. By Jove, I was laughing till the next morning. What kind of a mail could that be? Stop thinking too much…I will tell you…We have our seniors making trips every now and then to Europe and the US. They return with chocolates…and once in office send out a CHOCOLATES AT MY DESK email to all. This bloke, my colleague, is an avid sweet lover. So much so, that his desk drawer has a few chocolates all the time. Some of them which are from abroad…Yeah, you guessed it!!! He makes the most of the opportunities. So, coming back to his email, He sees us working hard…so was he…and then pulls out a couple of chocolates from his drawer and then sends an email to me and another colleague… with the subject that read, CHOCOLATES AT MY DESK… Doesn’t sound too hilarious? But I was cracking up like mad.

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