Friday, August 17, 2007

Hey Baby!

It was almost like a playback singer beginning a rendition. The pitch started on a low note and graduated towards the higher ones. The lyrics were totally alien to us, but then babies crying softly just for us to pick them up and pacify can sound more than melodious. I did just that … Hello, I mean I picked him up and my cute nephew started to sulk. It was 10.30 PM and this 10 month old bundle of joy had managed to kiss our sleep good bye.

Nonetheless, we all - which includes me, mom, sister and my niece - were forced into awakening. Brat!!! He must have been a proud guy at that moment. You ought to be when you get so much attention. I was carrying him in my arms trying to lull him back to sleep with my husky voice. It was all in vain, as his whining just picked up on the decibels. May be I was fueling the fire, with my awful attempts at the lullaby, which is so very effective when my Mom sings it.

I still walked around holding him close to my chest, patting him gently. I was hoping that at least this would work. My lullaby wasn’t doing the job, and I had to give up, lest I woke up the entire neighborhood.

After a while, his crying started to subside. The effort put in, was beginning to tell. He was getting tired, and was slowly but surely catching the forty winks. Yes, his sleeping pattern is rather unusual when compared to other babies. He rarely sleeps more than 8 hours in day, and that too in patches.

Anyway, I started feeling better as his head relaxed against my left shoulder. Little hands clung on to my neck, and tiny legs straddled my midriff. Don’t know why, but I feel that hugs are the best ways of expressing love, especially with babies not old enough to understand words. I recalled some past events in my life, and smiled to myself. If only adults could understand what mouths couldn’t convey.

However, past is past and this kid was asleep fast. Wow! That rhymed. I was pleased at myself when I handed him back to my sister. By this time even I had grown weary, and I walked off to my bed with a hope that even I could sleep like a BABY.

The next morning as I was about to leave for office mom said, “He was up again at midnight, and was back to sleep only at 2. What do you have to say?” I shrugged, and bid goodbye to her.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I am OK!

It's funny how a man wants to be happier when he is happy and sadder when he's sad. Makes no sense? Well, I mostly do but when I am drunk this is what happens. I guess, something more than this happens. I don't know how funny it is at that moment, but everyone around seems to be smiling or even laughing, so I guess I am doing my job of entertaining. I have regained my senses now and let me just tell you about this little incident.

It was our office anniversary and we all were desperately waiting for the evening. This was a family affair and most employees had brought in their spouses, children, parents or whoever that can constitute their families. I was all by myself. My folks are not exactly party animals. Anyway, the music started rocking and soon the crowd near the liquor bar (yes, we had a bar that day in our office cafeteria) started swelling. Now you know why I didn't get my parents along. Very soon I had a glass of VODKA LIME CORDIAL in my hand. For the teetotalers here's a lil definition. VODKA LIME CORDIAL is Vodka mixed with lime juice and a sweet soft drink. Sprite's my choice.

The band was decent and was crooning some of the most heard English and Hindi songs. I am not a regular boozer and it had started to show. The VLC (hunt above for the full-form) was doing its job and I could sense, I was getting high. Suddenly came, the song I was talking about that morning with one of my colleagues. I went and stood beside her. I still had the glass in my hand, nearly empty. She looked at me and said, "I was looking for you; remember you were asking me about this song this morning?" I nodded. Yes, I simply nodded and I tend to do that because I don't trust my mouth in that stupor. Smart that she is, quickly understood my predicament and rubbed it in. "So, how high are you feeling?", she questioned with a sarcastic smile.

I blurted out a reply which made her scamper as fast and as far as possible from me, which is when I realized my folly. Her friend was startled. GOSH!!! You should know when to keep your mouth shut. I still managed to giggle, although deep down I was cringing with embarrassment. The party lasted for another couple of hours and so did my inebriation. Throughout whenever she looked at me, I yelled out "I AM OK". I was certainly not, because the next time we met she told me that I had said "I AM OK" at least 10 times whereas I can recall myself saying that only twice or thrice.

I still thank god, that I didn't end up with a swollen cheek that night. It's been some weeks, since this happened and we all still laugh over it.