Thursday, October 25, 2007

My present

I like to do things in my own way. This does hurt some people, but that's how I am. May be that's the reason why I have just a handful of close friends. I do like making friends and socializing but haven’t gotten close to many. The best way of socializing, according to the many books I have read, is to talk with people about THEM and not yourself. I do that generally. I really don’t like divulging anything about myself. And, I know the biggest fact in the world. People like to talk about themselves or about things they like. I don’t say that I would never want to talk about myself, but I don’t trust many people. Many people therefore think I am an enigma. Sure I am, and I’ll be so, till I find the person I am comfortable talking to, the way I like. That person should be a good listener. And, for god sake should not be overly serious about the little pranks of mine. I do take an occasional dig at people, but I am a sport and I’m open to people who give it back to me.

I have been through a lot lately, but there isn’t much I can do about it. I just smile and try to forget. But bloody hell, I’ve got good memory. It isn’t selective either. Almost everything I see, hear or experience is stored in my brains, as if it’s an etching on stone.
What should I do to completely get rid of the junk filling my brains? I wish I knew. I am just pushing my life when I am behind it, and pulling it ahead when I am in front. This has started affecting my work. So I stay back late and try to finish it. But then, my mom gets furious with me. I am blamed at home, for not being available for chores. Another real problem I am facing is my health. I don’t look fit and I am not fit. I am thin like a stick and no matter what I eat, it never shows. I would need a rigorous weight training exercise routine, coupled with high-protein diet for months. This needs time, which seems to be running out. As a result, I am left with no peace at all. That’s the one and only thing I’ve been craving for since the last one year.

I know I got a little whiny here. But, since there is nobody to listen to me, I am writing this. I have tried keeping to myself, but it’s not working. I needed to vent this out.


Anonymous said...

hey Prashant ,its good that u know what u are (Rare thing ),people just dont know about them ,they just rely on wht other people says and continue their life in illusion .so just live the way u are and get ready to live in the present.Accept the truth ,use ur sharp brain ,and ROCK THE WORLD MAN,YOU CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE..............

paclot said...

Thanks anon. Would like to knw who are you.