Sunday, May 02, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Every child thinks, his or her mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. Poor Aishwarya; she will have to wait. Every mother believes that there is no one else like her kid. She is so right; the outcome of such a laborious – both literally and figuratively – task truly has to be the best.

They say the ones close to you are your greatest critics. Well, in my case it’s my mother. No matter what I achieve, she is always measured in her praises. Recently, when I kept saying no, to her calls to have lunch, she yelled, “Look at you! You weakling”! I retorted, “I may be thin, but I am not weak, you know, yesterday I pushed my motorcycle for 8 kms. You call that weak?”

Oh by the way, the other day, while returning home my motorcycle ran out of fuel and it was 8 km before I could find a petrol pump. I was bragging about that to her. “Well,” she said coolly, “You eat more and you will be able to push your motorcycle farther.” Stony silence at my end, while a smile at hers.

Life is a journey, not a destination. The moment you think you have arrived, you will see new avenues. Take them. Because, the day you don’t see a road ahead, it means only one thing. Metaphorically the dead-end; categorically death! I am beginning to sound dark, am I losing my spark? Okay, to light up let’s get back to the original topic – my mom.

Time and again, I tell my mom to quit her job. I am earning enough to take care. But she won’t listen. She is well over fifty and not too healthy either. However, she carries on relentlessly while setting a new example everyday. She recently showed me an appreciation letter she received at work.

Mom, my laziness notwithstanding, I’d want to follow your footsteps. It’s so difficult for me, though. Sometimes I feel like hating you. But then better sense quickly prevails and I reaffirm my belief – Mommy, I love you! :-)

1 comment:

Hemu Killawala said...

Well written, Prashat. Please convey my respects to your Mother. She is indeed the strongest.